Below are a list of frequently asked questions we get regarding Manicure Roulette® and our products.
If you find your question hasn't been answered, you can email us your question on contact@manicureroulette.com or DM us on social media to ask your question.
I'm new to Manicure Roulette® - where do I begin?
You can start your Manicure Roulette® journey any way you choose, by selecting any products including The Original Cards, Expansion Packs, Seasonal Packs or Limited Edition Packs.
All cards can be used individually or added together to create a unique game.
How do I play Manicure Roulette?
Manicure Roulette® has no rules of play, meaning you can create your own ways of playing.
Generally speaking we suggest shuffle the cards within a deck and picking as many cards as you wish.
You can watch a video here of the wonderful @freshsetlancaster showing 7 ways to play Manicure Roulette®.
Can I purchase the Seasonal Packs all year round?
Unfortunately due to the nature of our Manicure Roulette® Seasonal Packs, they only come around once per year just like the Seasons.
This means that they arrive on our website two months ahead of when they're needed in salon, to allow for manufacturing & shipping.
If you missed out on a Seasonal Pack one year, the same pack will make an appearance the following year, to allow everyone to grab all the Seasonal Packs they like!
Why is your International Shipping higher in price?
We use Royal Mail to ship all our orders both UK and Internationally, we simply charge the price Royal Mail charge for shipping our products.
What do I do if I accidentally lose or damage a Manicure Roulette® card?
We offer a Card Replacement Service to our customers, to remake and replace a lost or damaged card. You can Click Here to order.
I missed out on historic Collectors Cards, how do I get these?
Unfortunately due to the very rare nature of our Collectors Cards, we are unable to offer historic Collectors Cards to those who've missed out.
New Collectors Cards and packs will be available in the future, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for updates on these.
Do I need the Original Cards to buy the other Expansion Packs, Seasonal Packs or Limited Edition Packs?
No, you do not need the Original Manicure Roulette® Cards to purchase any of our Expansion Packs.
All cards can be used individually or added together to create a unique game.
What are Wild Cards and how do I used them?
This deck is used to add elements of your own artwork to the Manicure Roulette® game. Simply paint on the cards with nail polish, gel nail products, acrylic paint or other artist medium. If you're using a Gel based product, ensure you use a non-wipe top coat to avoid having to cleanse after the final cure.
We recommend using our Mani-Coats to protect your Wild Card designs and prevent cards sticking to one another if the product used creates sticking.
Do you do Customised Cards?
This is unfortunately not possible to create & sell at a reasonable, affordable price. The price point of a custom Manicure Roulette® card deck wouldn't be something many of our customers would wish to pay for such product. We are however open to brand collaborations, to create bulk orders for other nail brands.
Why do you not ship to the EU?
Due to new regulations brought into the EU member states, additional requirements are needed to legally sell any products on the EU market, when manufactured within the UK.
As a small business of just two people, manufacturing all products ourselves, unfortunately it isn't financially viable for us to outlay the costs to undertake these requirements.
This is not because our products are unsafe or would not comply, it is simply that we are too small to outlay the costs for this at this time, whilst still being able to keep our products affordable.
We do continue to monitor this situation and promise to continue to work to bring our products back to the EU market as soon as we're able.
Do you have Brand Ambassadors for Manicure Roulette®?
We do not condone the culture of rewarding non-loyal followers whom have a higher presence on social media, as this just doesn't sit right with us. We do have a select number of content creators we pay for personalised content creation, however we are not looking to grow this team currently.
Instead, we prefer to support our Loyal Rouletters with sneaky freebies in their orders if we notice a continued repeat customer.
We also share as much content on our social media as possible, to help appreciate and support all Rouletters out there.
More Questions?
If you have any further questions on Manicure Roulette®, please pop us an email on contact@manicureroulette.com or DM us on social media @manicureroulette or @drprintsandcompany.®®