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Collectors Cards

Collectors Cards are one off magical cards that are unavailable to purchase individually, and are only found in select seasonal products. These cards are to be collected over time to create a unique, one of a kind Collectors Only pack of cards.


So far we're still releasing our first Collectors Card Pack themed around Mystical Creatures. Scroll down for further information.

01 | Mystical Creatures


These Collectors Cards are extremely special due to their rare nature, just like the creature featured. The only way to collect these cards is through purchase of products containing Collectors Cards. 


So far these cards have been found in our 2023 Summer Package Deal, 2023 Spellbinding Bundle and 2023 Secret Santa Mystery Product. These cards are to be collected to create a Collectors Only Mystical Creatures Expansion Pack.


More Collectors Cards will follow in due course, so await the next collectors card to build this unique & magical Expansion Pack.

Products Containing Collectors Cards

Take a browse at all products containing Collectors Cards. Please note: some products are now discontinued.

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